Saturday, May 25, 2013

Santiago, Isabela, Philippines

Originally, I am from Cebu. This time, summer of 2013, my mom, sister, and I decided to go back to my mom's roots in Luzon. We also needed to go back to celebrate the 60th wedding anniversary of my mom's uncle and aunt. Below are the memories preserved through photographs. 

This is my sister, Tia. We were trying to achieve a "tumblr" photo. 

We stayed with the first cousin of mom. She is tita Vivette. I love how her house feels so homely. I also love how the place is so country-side and how everything seems to have taken a step back and relaxed. Their lot is huge, so they make use of it. They have a farm beside their house. They get their veggies  and other supplies right from there. How cool is that?

I assume you don't know, but I want to have Macro lens. The lens I used here is the lens they have in Nikon D90. It really is cool. I did not take lessons on photography- I, soon, will. My mom would enroll me. Yay!

Taken at 5:30 P.M. 

It's amazing how two different people can live together for 60 years. Truly, they have conquered the ups and    
downs of their relationship! 60 years down, forever to go!

This is practically the Ilagan side, but we aren't complete here. Some can't make it because of the heavy rain that almost flooded the area. 

This is the family where we stayed in.
(L-R) Me, Tia,Mom, Ate Issa, Tita Vivette, Jed, Rae, and Manong Raymond.

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